Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Radio Innovation Antenna System?
The Antenna System, or just The Antenna, is the system that is made up of vertically stacked panels and combined to form a single vertical beam. Unless something else is mentioned, the antenna system refers to a 4-stack, but it can be a 2-stack, single panel, or an 8-stack.
What about the azimuth/horizontal plane?
Unless something else is mentioned, we are talking about a dual beam configuration. Two narrow single beams, i.e. two electrical sectors, make up a single mechanical sector. However, there is as well a single beam option, where that single beam will have the same beam width as the individual beams forming the dual beam.
What is the single beam intended for?
In case narrow horizontal coverage is the goal, the single beam is a suitable solution. Examples are roads and railways.
How many ports are there per antenna system?
The number of ports is always four, independent of panel stack and frequency band.
How many radio heads does an antenna system require?
For optimal functionality, two radio heads of 2T2R or one of 4T4R per antenna system are required for the dual beam, and one 2T2R for the single beam.
Is there any requirement regarding what output power to use for this antenna system?
Not at all. There have been misconceptions that 80W is a requirement, but so is not the case.
Is your antenna multiband?
No, we have three frequency variants: 694-960 MHz, 1710-2170 MHz, and 2300-2690 MHz.
Are there active components in your antenna system?
No, the system is 100% passive.
What about the compatibility with O-RAN?
Our products are compatible with O-RAN. It’s vendor agnostic.
Will your high gain have an impact on downlink-uplink balance?
A higher base station gain benefits both downlink and uplink equally, i.e. the link budget for both DL and UL will increase with the same amount of dBs. Therefore, the balance will be no different compared to when using a base station antenna with a lower gain.
Is your system suitable where electricity is generated by for example solar panels?
Definitely. Since our system offers an improved link budget, there are margins to trade in cases limited to low radio output power.
What are the main benefits of your antenna system?
- The system is modular and scalable, intending to cater to different circumstances.
- The system offers the possibility of reaching a throughput approximately 2x as large compared to traditional antennas, thanks to using two radio heads per sector.
- Compared to traditional antennas, our antenna system improves the link budget in both downlink and uplink with 6-9dB per beam.
The benefits of the improved budget may be:
- Large coverage.
- High data speed/user experience.
- Less radio output power.
Contact us!
We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!
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